View or download your past transactions using XYZ Netbanking
XYZ netbanking application allows you to view transaction history using various date ranges.
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XYZ netbanking application allows you to view transaction history using various date ranges.
Last updated
XYZ banking application shows zero results if your bank account has no transactions. Transaction history takes 24 hours to update the latest transactions. The netbanking application lets you see the latest transactions in the mini statement menu.
Perform the following steps to view and download the transaction history.
After Login, Go to Dashboard.
Click Transaction History on the home page of the XYZ application. The transaction history screen appears with date range and transaction type options.
Select the Date Range from the dropdown options. The Date Range dropdown offers the last seven days of transactions, the last 30 days of transactions, and the previous 90 days of transactions and provides a custom date range. You can select any date from the date calendar from the last five years.
Select Transaction Type from the Transaction Type dropdown menu. The Transaction Type dropdown has All Transactions, Credit Transactions, and Debit Transactions to select. If you want to see all transactions, then select All Transactions. If you're going to select the amounts received, then select Credit Transactions. If you want to choose the amount paid, select Debit Transactions.
Select the Account Number from the Account Number dropdown. You will see those account numbers in the Account Number dropdown list.
Search for specific transactions by typing the name in the Search field to search for transactions of a particular account title.. Leave it empty if you want to avoid searching transactions or account names.
Click the Search Icon to see the transaction History based on your search filter. The transaction list appears under the search filter.
Click the Next icon at the bottom of the page to view the transaction on the next page. Click the Back icon to see the transaction on the previous page.