Add a payee
XYZ allows you to add a payee using netbanking.
Last updated
XYZ allows you to add a payee using netbanking.
Last updated
Keep the following information about the payee before adding a payee.
Bank name
Full name.
Account number with branch code or IBAN.
Mobile number.
XYZ bank allows adding a payee by adding RAAST details. RAAST is an instant payment system provided by the Pakistani banking system. Banks let you link your mobile number and email to the bank. You can transfer funds using a mobile number or email attached to your bank account.
Perform the following steps to add a payee:
Access the left-side menu on the dashboard by clicking the top toggle button. The left sidebar appears.
Click the Manage Payees & Billers. Payees & Billers Screen appears with the default Payees tab active.
Click Add New Payee. Add New Payee screen appears with the default ABL/ myABL Wallet account option.
Select the account type. If the beneficiary has the same bank account as yours. If the beneficiary has a different bank, then select Other Bank. If the beneficiary provides you with the RAAST ID, then choose RAAST.
Enter the Account number in the Beneficiary Account Number field. You can enter the beneficiary account number or IBAN.
Enter Payee Name.
Enter your email in the Email field. Email is optional.
Enter Mobile Number. The beneficiary receives a notification on the mobile in case of funds transfer.
Click Add. The One Time Verification screen appears.
Enter the 10-digit code you receive on your mobile or email and click Submit. The Payee Added Successfully screen appears.
You can use the Payee to transfer funds through the Pay Now button.